Now I have to take into consideration that I am not in the back woods of Burkittsville, Maryland but a city in BC, and it was pussy willows *giggle giggle* not bunches of sticks, but still, I like to let my imagination get the best of me. So if that wasn't weird enough .......
Today I was talking to my friend( Ya you Cheryl) on the telephone and I saw this guy walking around outside acting strangely, he would walk a few steps then crouch down really low and start taking pictures of the road,gravel,the grass, ect. So of course I had to get my camera out and snap a photo of the guy, cause hey, thats what I do!
So here is a photo of the guy across the street from my house taking a picture of some extremely interesting dead yellow grass. So I decided to snap one more picture, but as I looked through my view finder and took the shot, this is what I got
The freak was taking a picture of my house WTF?
Creepy, indeed!! Two freaks taking photo's of one another (lol)..
I didn't know we had pussywillows here. And, of course only you would take a picture of it!
wait a sec, are you calling me a freak???? lol. don't start that game lady!!!
I take it back!!! I don't wanna play against you!!!!!! Your threat is scary enough!!
Kill him. Don't take any chances.
Dude, you had to go and mention the Blair Witch Project, didn't you.
That movie freaked me the hell out. I was 8 mos. preggo when I saw it.
get out the guns, or maybe the
silver bullets.
I'd have my vicious dog ready
at the door. The City Workers
are scary people.
ps i remember when you and your
man saw Blair Witch Project and
you thought it was real. You were both totally freaked!
He isn't a city worker!!!! just some random dude! He's just standing beside a city worker sign!!!!!
Hey! I'm a tattooed mom of three with a son named DakoTa...who used to drive a mini van until she slammed it into another car. oops.
What a freak, normally people at least conceal themselves in cars or behind bushes while fulfilling their strange activities! Gees! lol
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